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Year 4

Welcome to our Year 4 class web page!

In Year 4, our children will challenge their thinking, share their ideas, debate their opinions and satisfy their curiosity through a year of fun and engaging learning journeys across the curriculum.

They will improve in their reading and writing through an immersion of exciting and rich texts, which we believe will enhance their decoding, comprehension and overall love for reading. Children will be inspired to use these skills to create descriptive and imaginative pieces of writing of their own. Reading daily at home will also help to underpin these skills and keep them enthused.

As Mathematicians, the children will be able to apply learning from their previous years to solve problems using strategies that are efficient for them. Later in the year, they will be partaking in a Times Table test where children will be asked to recall times table facts up to the 12 times table within a time limit. We are preparing for this in creative ways including the use of Times Table Rock stars and other credible times tables applications. With the support of parents and guardians, we encourage children to practise these Times Tables at home.

During our time in Year 4, we believe that through hard work and resilience, our children will gain the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in this year and subsequent years of primary school.

Dream, Think, Persevere!

Year 4 Teachers

Year 4 Autumn 1 2024

Year 4 Autumn 2 2024

Year 4 Spring 1 2025