Staff Area

Staff Area

GSO Test


Ofsted Parents View:- Please click HERE to give your view

Linton Mead received a successful Ofsted inspection in November 2022 where the school continued to be graded as a 'Good' school.

Some quotes from the inspection:

Pupils at Linton Mead are happy, confident and enjoy coming to school. Pupils feel safe here because of the warm and caring relationships between staff and pupils.

Pupils understand what bullying is and said that it does not happen here. They know they can talk to adults if there are any issues. If problems occur, adults sort things out quickly.

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Leaders and staff have high expectations for pupil's achievement. They want the best for all of them, including those pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Pupils' behaviour and attitudes are positive. Classrooms are calm and orderly, and pupils are focused on their learning in lessons.

Pupils are respectful and helpful, and at social times, they play well together.

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Pupils' personal development is well catered for.

They learn that everyone has the right to be treated equally and the importance of respectful attitudes.

Pupils are polite and considerate of each other and towards adults. 

Click here to read the full report