Core Priorities
A1: Accelerate the progress in maths across the school with a particular focus on the number of children achieving EXS + in maths at KS2.
A2: Continue to increase progress and attainment in early reading, including phonics and rapidly improve progress and attainment in reading in KS2.
A3: Ensure all children receive a consistent approach to the teaching of science.
A4: Children will have a greater understanding of the world they live in and will know how to contribute positively to society.
A5: Ensure all children and parents understand the direct impact of school attendance on progress, attainment, and future life chances.
A6: Ensure all leaders, including middle leaders, have a direct impact on raised progress and attainment of all children across the whole curriculum through quality first teaching.
A7: Ensure consistency of environment and approach across all of the Foundation Stage Teaching and Learning areas with a particular focus on progress in phonics and early reading.
School Development Plan
School development is an ongoing process at Linton Mead. We are frequently addressing changes in our situation, challenges and keeping up to date with the changing face of education and understanding of child development. We create and regularly review our School Development Plan in consultation with our team, advisors and governing body. We monitor closely the progress and attainment of all our children across the curriculum and design our priorities accordingly. Please click on the link below to read our School Development Plan
Linton Mead School Development Plan 2022 - 2023