Our School
Our Teaching and Learning Ethos
At Linton Mead, we believe in providing a creative, stimulating and challenging curriculum where our children feel safe to take risks. We believe in helping children develop their resilience and preparing them for a successful, happy life. We believe in our children becoming higher order thinkers and problem solvers who have strong autonomy and control over their actions and choices. Our curriculum reflects this: we use an investigative approach to maths learning with mastery and depth of understanding being paramount. We plan high quality English Learning journeys including teaching Reading based on use of high quality texts, talk, higher order questioning, modelling and scaffolding and principles from ‘Let’s Think’; our science is focussed around enquiry; our creative curriculum is based on challenge and quality learning experiences; we invest in quality learning in music, drama, art and PE. We believe we are part of a ‘Professional Learning Community’ where professional dialogue and research-based development will inform and challenge our practise.