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If you would like information about the Royal Borough of Greenwich local offer for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities, please click the link below. 

Greenwich Local Offer page

SEND at Linton Mead

At Linton Mead we are committed to Inclusion and aim to provide an appropriate and high quality education for all our children.  We believe that true inclusion is about making learning relevant and accessible to all children.  Identifying and understanding the needs of each individual child is the key to achieving this.    We are striving to enable all children to reach their full potential. We want every child to be actively engaged in their learning; therefore enabling them to reach their full potential in all areas of school life, knowing they are cared for and supported throughout.

The children’s well-being is at the centre of our school life and the key to raising academic success. This is supported by high expectations and by developing personal awareness, creativity and social understanding. We place a strong emphasis on trust, honesty, respect and tolerance.

We aim to develop confident, reflective children who are proud to belong to our community and who have a sound knowledge of their own value and purpose in the world, who are able to think creatively, with independence and so see the future as full of possibilities.

We welcome all children whatever the differences in their abilities or behaviours and believe every child matters. We will work with children, parents and outside agencies to ensure that their needs are understood and the correct provision is available and supported.


At Linton Mead we recognise that some children, at different times in their lives, may need focussed support in a specific area.

These broad areas of need include communication and interaction, cognition and learning, social, emotional and mental health, sensory and/or physical.  These are the broad areas of need identified in the SEND Code of Practice (page 97).

Below details the strategies/interventions we have chosen to provide in school, in order to enable all children to access the curriculum they are entitled too.  This list is by no means limited and will grow and change with our children.  In addition to these children will receive support from external agencies as needed.

Communication and interaction

Cognition and learning

Social, emotional and mental health

Sensory and/or physical

Social Group


Lego therapy

Small talk


1:1 reading


Word up

Reading wise

TEACCH tasks

Active Listening

Colourful Semantics

Shape Coding


Talk and Draw

Circle of Friends

Boys noise

B You

Bereavement support

Peer supported play

The Dog Mentor

Sensory circuit

Sensory resource support


Small group learning as part of The Shore – the school based provision. 


The purpose of any intervention is to provide our children with the skills to access the curriculum with as much independence as possible.  We aim to keep interventions focussed and for them to run for the shortest time possible to allow for effect but not to limit children’s wider learning opportunities.

This means that for a limited time, some children will miss class learning time to attend their intervention.  We are confident that this does not impact negatively on their overall learning experience as teachers are actively involved in the timetabling of interventions so can make necessary adjustments to ensure minimal impact of any missed class time. In addition to this, our curriculum design is progressive and identifies prior knowledge. This enables teachers to quickly recognise and fill any possible gaps in prior learning in order to successfully build on it.

Please click HERE for a copy of our School SEND Policy and information report.

 School Contact Information

To contact our interim SENDCo please email Mrs Amy Imber 

on or via the main school office 0208 310 1902.